Monday, September 20, 2010


I know I promised pictures of my weekend but I am going to post this first. While at work this fine morning I ran across this video.

It is safe to say I was inspired. I have never been a big person, actually I have always been the exact opposite. I only weigh in right now at a very light 130 lbs. At my heaviest I have weighed in at 135 lbs. Its not easy being this light, its very hard to gain any weight, but that is besides the point right now. Maybe I will post on my struggles to gain a bit more weight at a later time. Right now I want to talk about what this guy did.

You can find his blog at

First weight and body image are very key in happiness. Before someone stumbles into my blog, reads that and decides to flame me in my comment section let me explain. I am by no means saying that everyone has to be a supper skinny super model body style, or even for us guys, we don't have to be all muscle bound movie stars, but we have to be happy in our own bodies. Would you be happy if you had trouble getting out of a chair, or grew winded just getting up to check the mail?

I wasn't happy when my back was having problems, or when I was younger and had knee problems. Limping around, or not being able to get off the couch is frustrating to me. I felt if I couldn't will my own body to do what I want than what good was I. A year ago I got up and did something about it. Just like this guy woke up one day so unhappy with his life he decided to make a change. This man has crossed the finish line to and Marathon and an Ironman, both things I wish to do someday down the road.

If someone is reading this and thinking that they would like to change, they would like to wake up feeling better and happier then I challenge you to make today the first day of a new life. Don't sit idle, don't let life pass you by. Wake up and take hold of it all, take the first step and dare to be great.

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